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WWII Trolley Adventure

  • April 23, 2022
  • Fox River Trolley Museum, 365 South LaFox St., South Elgin, IL 60177
  • 9


  • Ride the WWII Trolley Adventure into History, an hour long theatrical experience where by passengers are transported back into time when America was at war with our Allies to defeat the tyranny of the Axis Powers.
  • Ride the WWII Trolley Adventure into History, an hour long theatrical experience where by passengers are transported back into time when America was at war with our Allies to defeat the tyranny of the Axis Powers.

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WWII Trolley Adventure into History

An hour long theatrical experience where by passengers are transported back into time when America was at war with our Allies to defeat the tyranny of the Axis Powers.

From the trolley, passengers will be able to experience scenes from the war years depicting battles, resistance insurgencies, civilian home-front activities and much more. On board the trolleys, all passengers will need to have their papers (provided with your ticket) inspected by our period German Police and Reichsbahn (German Railway) conductors. These performances are family friendly; however, not recommended for very young children who may be upset by loud noises, theatrical gun fire, and battle scenes. 

There will be three trolley battle performances during the weekend; two on Saturday and one on Sunday. Please order your tickets early from the museum in order to secure your place on board the WWII Trolley Adventure.

Before and after your ride, feel free to walk to the military encampment and talk to the soldiers and period civilians, one on one, learning about the equipment, vehicles and weapons used in the war.


ALL passengers (i.e. ALL infants, children, adults and seniors), regardless of age, size, or seating location (seat or lap) are required to purchase and display a valid ticket. Tickets are handed out at the time of check-in.

Seating Arrangements

Seating is provided for two adults or the equivalent per seat. Persons of size requiring additional space must purchase additional tickets as required at the time of initial ticket purchase.

By virtue of the historic equipment utilized, no specific seats/ locations can be reserved, and community-style seating is practiced. To try to facilitate keeping relations as close together as possible, we reserve the right to fill empty/ unused seating space, (including but not limited to half-occupied seats).

NO specific location, seating arrangements or contiguous seating for ANY group or individual can be guaranteed.

Please note that there is no on-board storage for strollers, wheelchairs or other large items.

Groups/ Group Seating

The museum will make reasonable attempts to accommodate groups of eight (8) or more when tickets are purchased under ONE name, and ONE transaction for the same train and ALL members of the group are present and available to board in the designated group boarding area at least 20 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time.

Incomplete/ late groups and/ or late group members will be seated at the museum’s discretion.

NO specific location, seating arrangements or contiguous seating for ANY group or individual can be guaranteed.

Handicapped Accessibility

Unfortunately, due to the historic nature of the equipment, World War II Adventure Trolley  is NOT handicapped accessible.

Event Duration

The World War II Adventure Trolley Event is approximately one hour in duration.

Boarding Location: Fox River Trolley Museum, South Elgin, IL

ALL World War II Adventure Trolleys board at Fox River Trolley Museum Campus at 365 South LaFox St, South Elgin, IL

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Contact Us

General Information (847) 697-4676

Event and Ticket questions (847) 380-6121


365 S La Fox St, South Elgin, IL 60177           

P.O. Box 315

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The Fox River Trolley Museum is an IRS 501(c)(3) Illinois Not for Profit Corporation.
Donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. 

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